U-tours is an unparalleled platform for charitable giving
U-tours represents an evolution in nudge architecture, a cornerstone in the behavioral economics of charitable giving, by integrating charitable incentives throughout the business model as well as within the customer journey.
U-tours is an unparalleled platform for charitable giving
U-tours represents an evolution in nudge architecture, a cornerstone in the behavioral economics of charitable giving, by integrating charitable incentives throughout the business model as well as within the customer journey.
Substantial, long-term benefits for our charities
Charities ordinarily seek raising funds at minimal program cost. Working with U-tours, charities will have little-to-no initial program cost, specifically zero monetary cost, but will be able to generate perpetual income. Read more...
In the social enterprise space, that kind of split is simply unheard of. One of our UK advisors is opening a social enterprise that has already attracted thousands of UK charities to a platform that offers them just 3.5% of the site’s revenue, a revenue which we project as comparable amongst the projects.

Substantial, long-term benefits for our charities

Charities ordinarily seek raising funds at minimal program cost. Working with U-tours, charities will have little-to-no initial program cost, Read more...
A tour can realistically be built within a day, so any active or potential volunteers of a given charity could create and publish a tour, designating the full, ongoing income from that tour to their charity, all in a single volunteer day. Also, anybody who already supports a given charity would be able to further support them by enjoying a U-tour on a trip they would take anyway, and if a tour created by that charity’s volunteers is available, then up to 70% of their spend plus any tip would end up in the charity’s coffers. And that revenue base will likely grow quickly as the platform does in popularity.
In the social enterprise space, that kind of split is simply unheard of. One of our UK advisors is opening a social enterprise that has already attracted thousands of UK charities to a platform that offers them just 3.5% of the site’s revenue, a revenue which we project as comparable amongst the projects.

WIIFU and everybody wins!
We only ask our charity partners to register with us and our fintech provider, a process that normally only takes a few minutes, and to send out at least two communiques about our cooperation just before our regional launch next summer, as well as biannual communiques going forward. Read more...
Through these communiques, our charitable partners will motivate potential contributors and travelers to use the U-tours platform, which will help us get past the famous chicken-egg and other tipping points that all online marketplaces face. Rapid and efficient growth benefits all our stakeholders, because we will be bringing those with the supply and those with the demand directly together in this marketplace. U-tours also wins, because we will receive what we most need most to fulfill our mission and vision:
- Our core objective is to make tourism easier, safer, more convenient, more affordable, and more engaging, by providing a platform that allows those with great content to share it with an appreciative audience; all while creating an unparalleled charitable giving platform.
- The beautiful cornerstone of the U-tours vision: we want to make every one of everybody’s trips more… unforgettable.
WIIFU and everybody wins!

We only ask our charity partners to register with us and our fintech provider, a process that normally only takes a few minutes, and to send out at least two communiques about our cooperation Read more...
Through these communiques, our charitable partners will motivate potential contributors and travelers to use the U-tours platform, which will help us get past the famous chicken-egg and other tipping points that all online marketplaces face. Rapid and efficient growth benefits all our stakeholders, because we will be bringing those with the supply and those with the demand directly together in this marketplace. U-tours also wins, because we will receive what we most need most to fulfill our mission and vision:
- Our core objective is to make tourism easier, safer, more convenient, more affordable, and more engaging, by providing a platform that allows those with great content to share it with an appreciative audience; all while creating an unparalleled charitable giving platform.
- The beautiful cornerstone of the U-tours vision: we want to make every one of everybody’s trips more… unforgettable.